Who We Are

Grove Community Church is a new church that launched on September 10, 2023. Although we are new, we worship the everlasting God! Our passion is to bring glory to God in all of life in Selinsgrove, in our nation, and around the world. We meet together each Sunday morning to pray, sing, study God's word, and apply God's word to our lives.

Vision Statement

To joyfully display the glory of God by declaring the grace of God found in Jesus Christ through Central Pa and to the ends of the earth. 

Our Core Values

Enjoy God: The gospel is the good news of great joy. At Grove Community Church, we seek to invite all people to find their joy in the One who created and saved us, Jesus Christ


Equip Others: The gospel is the good news displayed in the way we live our lives. At Grove Community Church, we seek to equip all followers of Christ to be gospel light by engaging in Sunday gatherings, weekly missional communities, and meeting together one-on-one.


Engage the Community: The gospel is the good news to be proclaimed. At Grove Community Church, we proclaim the gospel by faithfully engaging our neighbors, workplace, community, and the world.